After my workout and shower last night, I curled up in bed to watch a little tv and unwind. I hit my DVR button, turned on yesterday's recorded Steve Harvey Show, and I am so glad I did.
One of his guests was Bishop T.D. Jakes and he was there talking about his 5 Steps to Being Happy. Usually crap like that is a no-go for me. I will turn the tv faster than you can blink. BUT....not last night. Last night I was listening intently and even went back to record it with my phone so I could share some of it with you today. For some reason, the things he had to say really hit home for me.
The first step that really got me was
CHALLENGE YOUR OWN STORY.He talked about how we tend to torment ourselves with how WE see our we narrate our own story with our version of the truth, when it's only a perspective truth. He talked about how we need to change the way we talk to ourselves about our lives and how we write the script to our life story and how we can easily
CHANGE OUR STORY. -------- This is so completely true. Just as we make decisions we aren't proud of and let ourselves get to places we don't want to be....we can easily make the decision to change that.
The next step is something we hear all the time, but hardly every listen to.
ENJOY THE JOURNEY, NOT THE DESTINATION. --He discussed how the majority of people say I'll be happy when I get to this place, or when I get married, or when I have kids, etc.... and how we need to learn to enjoy the process.
Learn to enjoy each and every day and to celebrate all the little things along the way.--------- This is a huge thing for me. I constantly find myself scrolling through Instagram and wishing that I looked like this person or that person, when I should be enjoying the person I am today vs the person I was 2 1/2 months ago.
Another thing he mentioned was to
PUT YOURSELF ON YOUR CALENDAR. Learn to enjoy yourself. Learn to see yourself as a valuable person because if you don't, no one else will.--------Amen to that! I have recently noticed that I am more content to be alone these days than I have ever been. I used to want to be with Mark and the kids constantly. I didn't want to be alone because when I was alone, I beat myself up. I didn't enjoy the person that I was because I felt like I didn't deserve the things that I have. I am learning now that I do deserve them. I am learning that I enjoy time to myself every now and then and I shouldn't feel bad about that. I need to date myself just as much as I need to date my husband.
He also talked about
MAKING RELATIONSHIPS COUNT. Taking time to enjoy your relationship with yourself, your spouse, your kids, your family, and your friends.----The biggest thing there was he mentioned how you are a product of the relationships you surround yourself with and since it was immediately after our Skype session, I thought about all of my Team Slim girls. Had I not found them, I may not be where I am today. I may not be as positive about this weight loss journey. Knowing that I have them to hold me accountable and to be there when I need encouragement and advice, makes this a little easier. Sure, Mark is super supportive and does nothing but encourage me...but having people around you that are going through the same things you do on a day to day basis, is so helpful.
If you want to watch the entire segment, I'm adding it below.
ICYMI: My friend Bishop T.D. Jakes shared five tips that will allow anyone to find happiness!
Posted by Steve Harvey TV on Tuesday, April 21, 2015