
I can do this. I WILL do this.

I'm going to be real honest with y'all. I almost quit Simply Filling last night.

I did so good throughout the day, but by dinner time I was hungry, I felt restricted, and I was hardcore craving something sweet. I was sitting in bed, I had had dinner, Mark was eating ice cream (thanks for the support babe, haha) and I was craving sugar like nobody's business (thanks Aunt Flo). All I could think about was the Reese Cup Eggs Reagan has in her bedroom, all of the Skinny Cow candy bars I have in my cabinet, and I wanted to quit. I wanted to quit so badly. But you know why I didn't?

Because of a great group of ladies I found a few weeks ago. I thought about how it would suck telling them that I had given up after less than 24 hours. I thought about how they would probably be disappointed that I didn't give it more time. I thought about how a few of them had taken the time out of their day yesterday (and now today) to see how it was going and to be there for me. I felt like I owed them and MYSELF more time. (PS-THANKS LADIES, It means a lot and has helped more than you know!)

Will it be something I stick with for a long time? Probably not. Is it something I'm willing to give a little more time? Absolutely.

I think the problem for me is what I've talked to the girls about before. I don't do well with restrictions. I do not like being told I can't have or do something. (Just ask my husband!) Couple that with the fact that I hardly ever eat my weekly points because I start to get a little panicky when the number starts dwindling, and you have a recipe for disaster. In my head, I'm going to gain if I use those weeklies. So now that I have those 49 points to use throughout the week on foods that aren't SF....the thought of using them and seeing that number decrease makes me full of anxiety. What if I need them over the weekend? What if I need them before my time is up? (Have I mentioned that I'm medicated for anxiety? No? Well...that's another story for another time.)

I'm trying to take this one meal at a time and ease myself into it. I'm trying to tell myself that it's okay to have that 3pt. Skinny Cow Cookies and Cream candy bar. Those points are there for a reason. I just have to learn to be okay with using them.

Baby Steps, Trista. Baby Steps. (I'm thinking that's my new mantra)

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  1. I say if you want the candy bar USE your weeklies on them! That's what they're there for so you don't feel restricted! It's a lifestyle change NOT a diet. It's okay to eat the bad stuff sometimes!

    I'm proud of you for sticking with it. Good for you, girl!!

  2. First of all, I would NEVER be disappointed in you but I'm sooooo proud of you for sticking it out. Also, you should not feel bad about using weeklies... That's what they are there for. At first, it's definitely hard seeing those points dwindle quicker than normal! It might benefit you to preplan those points. What I mean is, put aside 3 points each day and on Saturday or a day you want a little more save 10 points. This way, you won't stress about using the points! :D You got this and you do not have to do it unless you want to. If it isn't for you, it isn't. We are here to support you no matter what!

  3. Look at you go girl! I'm proud of you for sticking to it! I'm going to try out simply filling starting May 13th after I get home from my sisters graduation!
