
The Ugly D Word

If there is one thing I have learned, it's that my mind doesn't do well with being told it's on a diet. In fact, I'm the type of person who feeds off of being told they can't eat something, can't do something, etc. Don't ever forbid me to do something....it never ends well.

The good news is that I have learned over the past 2-3 months that to succeed, you can't diet. You can't use miracle pills, miracle wraps, food fads, or any of that other crap to lose weight. Will it work? Yes....sometimes. BUT, 90% of people gain the weight back as soon as their "diet" is over. The good thing about Weight Watchers, at least for me, is that it isn't a diet. It's a way of life. I'm not on a diet, I'm changing my lifestyle. I'm teaching myself how to eat and how to still have the foods I love, all while not gaining 50lbs in the process.

For example. My all time favorite thing right now is Buffalo Chicken Cheesy Fries from a local restaurant we used to eat at once, sometimes twice a week. I still have those fries once a week or once every two weeks. BUT.....I only eat half, I always do it right after weigh in, and I eat very light the rest of the day. This way I don't feel deprived when my people are scarfing down their delicious foods, making me turn crazy and causing me to eat everything in sight. Diets do that to me. I just can't be told I can't have something.

And even worse, don't ask me if I can have something while on my "diet". I can have anything I want. In moderation.

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